Monday, April 2, 2007

New Microsoft screen sharing/collaboration tool

Microsoft unvails its new application for screen sharing and project collaboration. With this tool, users can for example all share a simultanious document within microsoft word where each can edit using their own color and mouse pointer. This could possibly evolve into a great application for group project work without location limits. posting about codename "Tahiti"

Friday, March 9, 2007

Bringing technology into your shop/lab

This is one that some of last year's ag ed 532 students found, and I thought it was a great example of how technology has made it into the ag lab, and safety ensues. Speeking of sueing... This one might just save your tail in the case of an unforseen shop accident. Check out the link for the most high tech table saw I'v ever seen. It knows the difference between your hand, and a piece of wood. The video's are great, and you might even want to show that first one to your class as it includes some testimonials about shop accidents.

Saw Stop


Before you purchase that!

Now, more than ever doing your research pays off when making an electronic or technology purchase for your program. There are more manufacturers of electronics such as projectors, digital cameras, and laptop computers to choose from that you could possibly research on your own. Thankfully there are some folks out there helping you (the comsumer) out. WWW.CNET.COM is a fantastic resource for high quality reviews of electronic products, software, etc. These folks actually test the stuff out independently of the manufacturers and report back what they find out. Check it out at the link below. reviews


Now that almost every ag teacher/ffa advisor has a digital camera...

...why not look into some accessories that will make those digital images work for you. PMA 07 (International photography trade show) is going on right now, and manufacturers are churning out new products left and right. So what is new in the world of digital photography? Well... megapixels are high, sizes are small, and prices are cheap, so if you don't already have a high quality digital camera, it's definately a good time to check into it. Now... to those accessories I talked about. Portable printers are in. Canon for example has a battery powered portable that can spit out nice looking prints. Check the links at the bottom of the post. Geotagging is in! What's geotagging you ask... well, just add one of the attachments (like the one shown in the picture above) to your camera, and every snapshot you take will be GPS tagged with Geographic coordinates, and even location names to go along with the date and time the image was taken. What a great way to organize your FFA chapter photos for that upcoming banquet slideshow. And finally, I will recommend that you pick up a cheap tripod to take with you. There's no better way to make sure your photos are framed properly, and an added bonus is that you eliminate camera shake. That's all for now, be shure to hit the links below for more info.

canon printer

Geo tagging


Tools, Timesaving Tips, and Tricks to Tech-up your Ag Class

The following posts will include topics from a broad range of classroom technology applications. With the help from students at The Ohio State University, we will keep our eyes and ears open and post topics that will help you succeed in an ever changing and ever demanding classroom environment.